Course Description

Christopher Hareesh Wallis
Course curriculum
Module 1: What is Yoga and why should we care? (Sutras 1 - 4)
Outline of Chapter 1 of the Yoga Sutra
Sutra 1: introduction
Sutra 1: Introduction (Audio)
Sutra 2: definition of yoga
Sutra 2: definition of yoga (Audio)
Sutra 3: result of yoga (self-realization)
Sutra 3: result of yoga (Audio)
Sutra 4: result of not attaining yoga
Sutra 4: result of not attaining yoga (Audio)
Module 1 Study Guide
Module 1 Bonus Video: on the earliest source for the YS
Module 1 Bonus Video: Approach and Methodology
Module 2: What are the vŗttis? (Sutras 5 - 11)
Sutra 5: defining the vṛttis
Sutra 5: defining the vṛttis (Audio)
Sutras 6 & 7: list of the five kinds of vṛtti & the three types of vṛtti #1 (reliable knowledge)
Sutras 6 & 7: list of the five kinds of vṛtti & the three types of vṛtti #1 (Audio)
Sutra 8: definition of vṛtti #2 (misconception)
Sutra 8: definition of vṛtti 2 (Audio)
Sutra 9: definition of vṛtti #3 (imagination)
Sutra 9: definition of vṛtti #3 (Audio)
Sutra 10: definition of vṛtti #4 (sleep)
Sutra 10: definition of vṛtti #4 (Audio)
Sutra 11: definition of vṛtti #5 (memory)
Sutra 11: definition of vṛtti #5 (Audio)
Module 2 Study Guide
Module 3: How do you bring the vŗttis to rest? (Sutras 12 - 16)
Sutra 12: How yoga happens: two main requirements (practice and dispassion)
Sutra 12: How yoga happens: two main requirements (practice and dispassion) (Audio)
Sutra 13: Definition of practice
Sutra 13: Definition of practice (Audio)
Sutra 14: How practice becomes firmly grounded
Sutra 14: How practice becomes firmly grounded (Audio)
Sutra 15: Definition of dispassion/detachment
Sutra 15: Definition of dispassion/detachment (Audio)
Sutra 16: Highest form of dispassion/detachment
Sutra 16: Highest form of dispassion/detachment (Audio)
Module 3 Study Guide
Module 4: What is Samādhi? (Sutras 17 - 22)
Sutra 17: Four stages in the samādhi-with-content (does not yet equal yoga, but leads to it)
Sutra 17: Four stages in the samādhi-with-content (AUDIO)
Sutra 18: The ‘other type’ of samādhi, without content, which equals yoga as defined in 1.2
Sutra 18: The ‘other type’ of samādhi, without content, which equals yoga as defined in 1.2 (AUDIO)
Sutra 19: But experiencing a lack cognitive content does not equal yoga if there is still an ‘intention of becoming’
Sutra 19: But experiencing a lack cognitive content does not equal yoga if there is still an ‘intention of becoming’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 20: The five things that lead to the samādhi of complete stillness (mentioned in 1.18)
Sutra 20: The five things that lead to the samādhi of complete stillness (AUDIO)
Sutra 21 & 22: That goal is not far off if your zeal for attaining it is intense // The ideal amount of zeal is one step shy of extremism
Sutra 21 & 22: That goal is not far off if your zeal for attaining it is intense // The ideal amount of zeal is one step shy of extremism (AUDIO)
Module 4 Study Guide
Module 5: The role of God in Yoga (Sutras 23 - 29)
Sutra 23: Devotion to God: the easier alternative
Sutra 23: Devotion to God: the easier alternative (AUDIO)
Sutra 24: What Patañjali means by ‘God’
Sutra 24: What Patañjali means by ‘God’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 25: Why God is the highest being
Sutra 25: Why God is the highest being (AUDIO)
Sutra 26: God started all the guru-lineages
Sutra 26: God started all the guru-lineages (AUDIO)
Sutra 27: OM: the Word that signifies God
Sutra 27: OM: the Word that signifies God (AUDIO)
Sutra 28: Why reciting that Word works
Sutra 28: Why reciting that Word works (AUDIO)
Sutra 29: Result of reciting that Word
Sutra 29: Result of reciting that Word (AUDIO)
Module 5 Study Guide
Module 5 Bonus Video: Om - Going deeper
Module 5 Bonus Video: Om - Going deeper (AUDIO)
Module 6: The obstacles to Yoga (Sutras 30 - 32)
Sutra 30: List of the obstacles to yoga
Sutra 30: List of the obstacles to yoga (AUDIO)
Sutra 31: Side-effects and the symptoms of the obstacles
Sutra 31: Side-effects and the symptoms of the obstacles (AUDIO)
Sutra 32: How to prevent the obstacles from arising
Sutra 32: How to prevent the obstacles from arising (AUDIO)
Module 6 Study Guide
Module 7: How do we overcome these obstacles? (Sutras 33 - 40)
Sutra 33: Practices #1-4 of overcoming the obstacles to yoga and preparing the heart-mind for samādhi: the Four Immeasurable Virtues
Sutra 33: Practices #1-4 of overcoming the obstacles to yoga and preparing the heart-mind for samādhi: the Four Immeasurable Virtues (AUDIO)
Sutra 34: Practice #5: prāṇāyāma
Sutra 34: Practice #5: prāṇāyāma (AUDIO)
Sutra 35: Practice #6: flow activities
Sutra 35: Practice #6: flow activities (AUDIO)
Sutra 36: Practice #7: meditation on what is joyful and luminous
Sutra 36: Practice #7: meditation on what is joyful and luminous (AUDIO)
Sutra 37: Practice #8: meditation on a person free of attachment
Sutra 37: Practice #8: meditation on a person free of attachment (AUDIO)
Sutra 38: Practice #9: meditation on dreams or deep sleep
Sutra 38: Practice #9: meditation on dreams or deep sleep (AUDIO)
Sutra 39: Practice #10: one-pointed meditation on whatever you like
Sutra 39: Practice #10: one-pointed meditation on whatever you like (AUDIO)
Sutra 40: As a result of overcoming the obstacles to yoga through these practices, one’s mind can stretch to encompass any aspect of reality
Sutra 40: As a result of overcoming the obstacles to yoga through these practices, one’s mind can stretch to encompass any aspect of reality (AUDIO)
Module Seven Study Guide
Module 8: What is samāpatti, and how does it lead to the state of yoga? (Sutras 41 - 51)
Sutra 41: Definition of samāpatti
Sutra 41: Definition of samāpatti (AUDIO)
Sutra 42: Definition of ‘discursive absorption’
Sutra 42: Definition of ‘discursive absorption’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 43: Definition of ‘non discursive absorption’
Sutra 43: Definition of ‘non discursive absorption’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 44: Definition of reflective and supra-reflective absorption
Sutra 44: Definition of reflective and supra-reflective absorption (AUDIO)
Sutra 45: Culmination of the samāpatti process in the unmanifest
Sutra 45: Culmination of the samāpatti process in the unmanifest (AUDIO)
Sutra 46: Equivalence: these samāpattis are also known as ‘seeded’
Sutra 46: Equivalence: these samāpattis are also known as ‘seeded’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 47: Result of experiencing the four primary stages of samāpatti: internal clarity and grace
Sutra 47: Result of experiencing the four primary stages of samāpatti: internal clarity and grace (AUDIO)
Sutra 48: “In that context, insight becomes truth-bearing”
Sutra 48: “In that context, insight becomes truth-bearing” (AUDIO)
Sutra 49: Nature of intuitive insight
Sutra 49: Nature of intuitive insight (AUDIO)
Sutra 50: Benefit of the impressions of intuitive insight
Sutra 50: Benefit of the impressions of intuitive insight (AUDIO)
Sutra 51: Final state is that of ‘seedless samādhi’ a.k.a. yoga
Module 8 Study guide
Sutra 51: Final state is that of ‘seedless samādhi’ a.k.a. yoga (AUDIO)
Chapter 2 // Module 9
Sutra 1: Definition of Kriyā-yoga: three aspects
Sutra 1: Definition of Kriyā-yoga: three aspects (AUDIO)
Sutra 1: Definition of Kriyā-yoga: three aspects CONTINUED
Sutra 1: Definition of Kriyā-yoga: three aspects CONTINUED (AUDIO)
Sutra 2 & 3: Purpose of Kriyā-yoga: preparing for samādhi and weakening the ‘afflictions’ / The five ‘afflictions’
Sutra 2 & 3: Purpose of Kriyā-yoga: preparing for samādhi and weakening the ‘afflictions’ / The five ‘afflictions’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 4: Kleśa #1, ignorance, is the fertile field for the germination of the other four
Sutra 4: Kleśa #1, ignorance, is the fertile field for the germination of the other four (AUDIO)
Sutra 5: Definition of kleśa #1, ignorance
Sutra 5: Definition of kleśa #1, ignorance (AUDIO)
Sutra 6: Definition of kleśa #2, egoism
Sutra 6: Definition of kleśa #2, egoism (AUDIO)
Sutra 7: Definition and etiology of kleśa #3, attachment
Sutra 7: Definition and etiology of kleśa #3, attachment (AUDIO)
Sutra 8: Definition and etiology of kleśa #4, aversion
Sutra 8: Definition and etiology of kleśa #4, aversion (AUDIO)
Sutra 9: Description of kleśa #5, clinging to life
Sutra 9: Description of kleśa #5, clinging to life (AUDIO)
Module 9 Study guide
Chapter 2 // Module 10
Sutra 10: How to remove the kleśas
Sutra 10: How to remove the kleśas (AUDIO)
Sutra 11: How to remove the kleśa-driven vṛttis
Sutra 11: How to remove the kleśa-driven vṛttis (AUDIO)
Sutra 12: Kleśas form the root of the karmic matrix
Sutra 12: Kleśas form the root of the karmic matrix (AUDIO)
Sutra 13: Kleśa-fueled karma bears fruit in three ways
Sutra 13: Kleśa-fueled karma bears fruit in three ways (AUDIO)
Sutra 14: The nature of karma
Sutra 14: The nature of karma (AUDIO)
Sutra 15: The dominant theme of human life: suffering
Sutra 15: The dominant theme of human life: suffering (AUDIO)
Sutra 16: “Suffering yet to come can be avoided”
Sutra 16: “Suffering yet to come can be avoided” (AUDIO)
Sutra 17: The root cause of human suffering: confusion of Seer and Seen
Sutra 17: The root cause of human suffering: confusion of Seer and Seen (AUDIO)
Module 10 Bonus Video: The Samskara cycle
Module 10 Bonus Video: The Samsara cycle (AUDIO)
Module 10 Bonus Video Graphic: The Samskara cycle
Module 10 Bonus Video: The 5 noble truths
Module 10 Study guide
Module 10 Bonus Video: The 5 noble truths (AUDIO)
Module 10 Study guide
Chapter 2 // Module 11
Sutra 18: The nature of the Seen, i.e. the perceivable universe
Sutra 18: The nature of the Seen, i.e. the perceivable universe (AUDIO)
Sutra 19: Fourfold division of the perceivable universe
Sutra 19: Fourfold division of the perceivable universe (AUDIO)
Sutra 20: The nature of the Seer
Sutra 20: The nature of the Seer (AUDIO)
Sutra 21: True relationship of the Seer and Seen
Sutra 21: True relationship of the Seer and Seen (AUDIO)
Sutra 22: Endgame of that relationship
Sutra 22: Endgame of that relationship (AUDIO)
Sutra 23: True purpose of that relationship
Sutra 23: True purpose of that relationship (AUDIO)
Sutra 24: Cause of the perpetuation of the relationship
Sutra 24: Cause of the perpetuation of the relationship (AUDIO)
Sutra 25: Nature of final liberation
Sutra 25: Nature of final liberation (AUDIO)
Sutra 26: Cause of final liberation
Sutra 26: Cause of final liberation (AUDIO)
Sutra 27: Seven stages of the spiritual journey
Sutra 27: Seven stages of the spiritual journey AUDIO
Module 11 Bonus video - Patanjali vs Tantra
Module 11 Study guide
Chapter 2 // Module 12
Sutra 28: Purpose of practicing the eight ‘limbs’ or aids to yoga
Sutra 28: Purpose of practicing the eight ‘limbs’ or aids to yoga (AUDIO)
Sutra 29 & 30: Enumerating the eight aids to yoga (yogāṅgas) + Enumerating the five Restraints (Aid #1)
Sutra 29 & 30: Enumerating the eight aids to yoga (yogāṅgas) + Enumerating the five Restraints (Aid #1) AUDIO
Sutra 31: Ideal way of practicing the five Restraints (i.e., unconditionally)
Ideal way of practicing the five Restraints (i.e., unconditionally) AUDIO
Sutra 32: Enumerating the five Observances (Aid #2)
Sutra 32: Enumerating the five Observances (Aid #2) AUDIO
Sutra 33: How to counter impulses to act contrary to the Restraints and Observances (part one)
Sutra 33: How to counter impulses to act contrary to the Restraints and Observances (part one) AUDIO
Sutra 34: How to counter impulses to act contrary to the Restraints and Observances (part two)
Sutra 34: How to counter impulses to act contrary to the Restraints and Observances (part two) AUDIO
Module 12 Study guide
Chapter 2 // Module 13
Sutra 35: Benefit of nonviolence (Restraint #1)
Sutra 35: Benefit of nonviolence (Restraint #1) AUDIO
Sutra 36: Benefit of truth-telling (Restraint #2)
Sutra 36: Benefit of truth-telling (Restraint #2) AUDIO
Sutra 37: Benefit of not stealing (Restraint #3)
Sutra 37: Benefit of not stealing (Restraint #3) AUDIO
Sutra 38: Benefit of continence or sexual restraint (Restraint #4)
Benefit of continence or sexual restraint (Restraint #4) AUDIO
Sutra 39: Benefit of non-acquisitiveness (Restraint #5)
Sutra 39: Benefit of non-acquisitiveness (Restraint #5) AUDIO
Bonus Video Ahimsa
Bonus Video Ahimsa AUDIO
Module 13 Study Guide
Chapter 2 // Module 14
Sutra 40: Benefit of external cleanliness
Sutra 40: Benefit of external cleanliness (AUDIO)
Sutra 41: Benefit of internal ‘cleanliness’
Sutra 41: Benefit of internal ‘cleanliness’ (AUDIO)
Sutra 42: Benefit of contentment
Sutra 42: Benefit of contentment (AUDIO)
Sutra 43: Benefit of self-discipline
Sutra 43: Benefit of self-discipline (AUDIO)
Sutra 44: Benefit of study & recitation of sacred texts
Sutra 44: Benefit of study & recitation of sacred texts (AUDIO)
Sutra 45: Benefit of devotion to the Lord
Sutra 45: Benefit of devotion to the Lord (AUDIO)
Module 14 Study guide
Chapter 2 // Module 15
Sutra 46: Nature of right posture
Sutra 46: Nature of right posture (AUDIO)
Sutra 47: How to attain right posture
Sutra 47: How to attain right posture (AUDIO)
Sutra 48: Benefit of right posture
Sutra 48: Benefit of right posture (AUDIO)
Sutra 49: Nature of breath-control
Sutra 49: Nature of breath-control (AUDIO)
Sutra 50: More detail on breath-control
Sutra 50: More detail on breath-control (AUDIO)
Sutra 51: Most developed form of breath-control
Sutra 51: Most developed form of breath-control (AUDIO)
Sutra 52: Benefit #1 of breath-control
Sutra 52: Benefit #1 of breath-control (AUDIO)
Sutra 53: Benefit #2 of breath-control
Sutra 53: Benefit #2 of breath-control (AUDIO)
Module 15 Study guide
Chapter 2 - 3 // Module 16
Sutra 54: Nature of sense-withdrawal (Aid #5)
Sutra 54: Nature of sense-withdrawal (Aid #5) (AUDIO)
Sutra 55: Benefit of sense-withdrawal
Sutra 55: Benefit of sense-withdrawal (AUDIO)
Chapter 3 Sutra 1: Nature of concentration (Aid #6)
Chapter 3 Sutra 1: Nature of concentration (Aid #6) (AUDIO)
Sutra 2: Nature of meditation (Aid #7)
Sutra 2: Nature of meditation (Aid #7) (AUDIO)
Sutra 3: Nature of absorption (Aid #8)
Sutra 3: Nature of absorption (Aid #8) (AUDIO)
Module 16 Study guide
Module 17
Sutra 4: Definition of saṁyama
Sutra 4: Definition of saṁyama (AUDIO)
Sutra 5: Result of saṁyama
Sutra 5: Result of saṁyama (AUDIO)
Sutra 6: Saṁyama is a process
Sutra 6: Saṁyama is a process (AUDIO)
Sutra 7: Saṁyama is the heart of the practice of yoga & Sutra 8: It results in the goal of ‘seedless’ samādhi
Sutra 7: Saṁyama is the heart of the practice of yoga & Sutra 8: It results in the goal of ‘seedless’ samādhi (AUDIO)
Sutra 9: How we progress towards nirodha
Sutra 9: How we progress towards nirodha (AUDIO)
Sutra 10: The continued flow of tranquil stillness
Sutra 10: The continued flow of tranquil stillness (AUDIO)
Sutra 11: Progress towards the goal
Sutra 11: Progress towards the goal (AUDIO)
Sutra 12: This one-pointedness is possible when subconscious and conscious thoughts are in alignment
Sutra 12: This one-pointedness is possible when subconscious and conscious thoughts are in alignment (AUDIO)
Module 17 Study guide
Bonuses and Live call recordings
Bonus Audio: Satsang with Hareesh Part 1
Bonus Audio: Satsang with Hareesh Part 2
Bonus Audio: The History of Yoga Part 1
Bonus Audio: The History of Yoga Part 2
History of Yoga
Live call with Hareesh #1
Live call with Hareesh #2
The 8 limbs or aids to Yoga (Facebook live)
Pricing options
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
3 x $180.00
Regular price
6 x $95
The Full Package - 6 month Payment Plan
3 x $180.00
The Full Package - Payment Plan
3 x $300.00
The Immersive Experience - Payment Plan
The Immersive Experience
The Full Package